Counselling Code : B.E, M.E - 2731


NAAC (National Assessment And Accreditation Council)

India has one of the largest and diverse education systems in the world. Privatization, widespread expansion, increased autonomy and introduction of Programmes in new and emerging areas have improved access to higher education. At the same time, it has also led to widespread concern on the quality and relevance of the higher education. To address these concerns, the National Policy on Education (NPE, 1986) and the Programme of Action (PoA, 1992) spelt out strategic plans for the policies, advocated the establishment of an independent National accreditation agency. Consequently, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) was established in 1994 as an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission (UGC) with its Head Quarter in Bengaluru. The mandate of NAAC as reflected in its vision statement is in making quality assurance an integral part of the functioning of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

The NAAC functions through its General Council (GC) and Executive Committee (EC) comprising educational administrators, policy makers and senior academicians from a cross-section of Indian higher education system. The Chairperson of the UGC is the President of the GC of the NAAC, the Chairperson of the EC is an eminent academician nominated by the President of GC (NAAC). The Director is the academic and administrative head of NAAC and is the member-secretary of both the GC and the EC. In addition to the statutory bodies that steer its policies and core staff to support its activities NAAC is advised by the advisory and consultative committees constituted from time to time.



CRITERION 1 - Curricular Aspects (100)

Key Indicator – 1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation (20)
Metric No. Description Link
1.1.1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment view
Key Indicator- 1.2 Academic Flexibility (30)
Metric No. Description Link
1.2.1 Number of Add on / Certificate/Value added programs offered during the last five years : Number of Add on /Certificate /Value added programs offered during the last five years view
1.2.2 Percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on/Value added programs as against the total number of students during the last five years Number of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/Add-on/Value added programs year wise during last five years
Key Indicator - 1.3 Curriculum Enrichment (30)
Metric No. Description Link
1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum view
1.3.2 Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/internships (Data for the latest completed academic year) Number of students undertaking project work/field work / internships view
Key Indicator - 1.4 Feedback System (20)
Metric No. Description Link
1.4.1 Institution obtains feedback on the academic performance and ambience of the institution from various stakeholders, such as Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc. and action taken report on the feedback is made available on institutional website (Yes or No) view

CRITERION 2 - Teaching Learning and Evaluation (350)

Key Indicator - 2.1. Student Enrolment and Profile (40)
Metric No. Description Link
2.1.1 Enrolment percentage view
2.1.2 Percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy during the last five years view
Key Indicator - 2.2. Student Teacher Ratio (40)
Metric No. Description Link
2.2.1 Student – Full time Teacher Ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) view
Key Indicator - 2.3. Teaching- Learning Process (40)
Metric No. Description Link
2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing view
Key Indicator - 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality (40)
Metric No. Description Link
2.4.1 Percentage of full-time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years Number of Sanctioned posts / required positions for teaching staff/ full time teachers year wise during the last five years view
2.4.2 Percentage of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/ Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt. during the last five years (consider only highest degree for count) Number of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality / D.Sc. / D.Litt. year wise during the last five years view
Key Indicator - 2.5. Evaluation Process and Reforms (40)
Metric No. Description Link
2.5.1 Mechanism of internal/ external assessment is transparent and the grievance redressal system is time- bound and efficient view
Key Indicator - 2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome (90)
Metric No. Description Link
2.6.1 Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and attainment of POs and COs are evaluated view
2.6.2 Pass percentage of Students during last five years Number of final year students who passed the university examination year wise during the last five years view

CRITERION 3 - Research, Innovations and Extension (110)

Key Indicator - 3.1- Resource Mobilization for Research (10)
Metric No. Description Link
3.1.1 Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) view
Key Indicator - 3.2- Innovation Ecosystem (15)
Metric No. Description Link
3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge (patents filed, published, incubation center facilities in the HEI to be considered) view
3.2.2 Number of workshops/seminars/conferences including on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship conducted during the last five years Total number of workshops/seminars/conferences including programs conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and entrepreneurship year wise during last five years Number of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/Add-on/Value added programs year wise during last five years
Key Indicator - 3.3 - Research Publication and Awards (25)
Metric No. Description Link
3.3.1 Number of research papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC care list during the last five years Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC CARE year wise during the last five years view
3.3.2 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five years Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year wise during last five years view
Key Indicator - 3.4 - Extension Activities (40)
Metric No. Description Link
3.4.1 Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during the last five years. view
3.4.2 Awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognised bodies view
3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC etc., (including the programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS awareness, Gender issues etc. and/or those organised in collaboration with industry, community and NGOs) during the last five years Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with industry, community, and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., year wise during the last five years view
Key Indicator - 3.5 – Collaboration (20)
Metric No. Description Link
3.5.1 The number of MoUs, collaborations/linkages for Faculty exchange, Student exchange, Internship, Field trip, On-the- job training, research and other academic activities during the last five years view

CRITERION 4 - Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)

Key Indicator - 4.1 Physical Facilities (30)
Metric No. Description Link
4.1.1 Availability of adequate infrastructure and physical facilities viz., classrooms, laboratories, ICT facilities, cultural activities, gymnasium, yoga centre etc. in the institution view
4.1.2 Percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during last five years (INR in Lakhs) Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year wise during last five years (INR in lakhs) view
Key Indicator - 4.2 Library as a learning Resource (20)
Metric No. Description Link
4.2.1 Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS), subscription to e-resources, amount spent on purchase of books, journals and per day usage of library view
Key Indicator - 4.3 IT Infrastructure (30)
Metric No. Description Link
4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities and provides sufficient bandwidth for internet connection view
4.3.2 Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) Number of computers available for students usage during the latest completed academic year view
Key Indicator - 4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure (20)
Metric No. Description Link
4.4.1 Percentage of expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) excluding salary component year wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs) view

CRITERION 5 - Student Support and Progression (140)

Key Indicator - 5.1 Student Support (50)
Metric No. Description Link
5.1.1 Percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government and Non-Government agencies during last five years Number of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government and Non-Government agencies year wise during last five years
5.1.2 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the following 1. Soft skills 2. Language and communication skills 3. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene) 4. ICT/computing skills view
5.1.3 Percentage of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the Institution during last five years Number of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution year wise during last five years
5.1.4 The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases 1. Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies 2. Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance 3. Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances 4. Timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committees view
Key Indicator - 5.2 Student Progression (30)
Metric No. Description Link
5.2.1 Percentage of placement of outgoing students and students progressing to higher education during the last five years Number of outgoing students placed and / or progressed to higher education year wise during the last five years Number of outgoing students year wise during the last five years
5.2.2 Percentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the last five years (eg: JAM/CLAT/GATE/ GMAT/ CAT/ GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/State government examinations) view
Key Indicator - 5.3 Student Participation and Activities (50)
Metric No. Description Link
5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/ cultural activities at University / state/ national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years view
5.3.2 Average number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated during last five years (organised by the institution/other institutions) Number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated year wise during last five years
Key Indicator - 5.4 Alumni Engagement (10)
Metric No. Description Link
5.4.1 There is a registered Alumni Association that contributes significantly to the development of the institution through financial and/or other support services view

CRITERION 6 - Governance, Leadership and Management (100)

Key Indicator - 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership (10)
Metric No. Description Link
6.1.1 The governance and leadership is in accordance with vision and mission of the institution and it is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participation in the institutional governance view
Key Indicator - 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment (10)
Metric No. Description Link
6.2.1 The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, deployment of institutional Strategic/perspective/development plan etc view
6.2.2 Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation 1. Administration 2. Finance and Accounts 3. Student Admission and Support 4. Examination view
Key Indicator - 6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies (35)
Metric No. Description Link
6.3.1 The institution has effective welfare measures and Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff. view
6.3.2 Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years view
6.3.3 Percentage of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development / administrative training programs during the last five years Total number of teaching and non-teaching staff participating in Faculty development Programmes (FDP), professional development /administrative training programs during the last five years Number of non-teaching staff year wise during the last five years view
Key Indicator - 6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization (15)
Metric No. Description Link
6.4.1 Institution has strategies for mobilization and optimal utilization of resources and funds from various sources (government/ nongovernment organizations) and it conducts financial audits regularly (internal and external) view
Key Indicator - 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System (30)
Metric No. Description Link
6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes. It reviews teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals and records the incremental improvement in various activities view
6.5.2 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include: 1. Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Feedback collected, analysed and used for improvements 2. Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) / membership of international networks 3. Participation in NIRF 4. any other quality audit/accreditation recognized by state, national or international agencies such as NAAC, NBA, ISO Certification etc view

CRITERION 7 - Institutional Values and Best Practices (100)

Key Indicator - 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities (50)
Metric No. Description Link
7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity and Institutional initiatives to celebrate / organize national and international commemorative days, events and festivals during the last five years Link
7.1.2 The Institution has facilities and initiatives for 1. Alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures 2. Management of the various types of degradable and nondegradable waste 3. Water conservation 4. Green campus initiatives 5. Disabled-friendly, barrier free environment Link
7.1.3 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution. The institutional environment and energy initiatives are confirmed through the following 1. Green audit / Environment audit 2. Energy audit 3. Clean and green campus initiatives 4. Beyond the campus environmental promotion activities Link
7.1.4 Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and Sensitization of students and employees to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens Link
Key Indicator - 7.2 Best Practices (30)
Metric No. Description Link
7.2.1 Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per NAAC format provided in the Manual view
Key Indicator - 7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness (20)
Metric No. Description Link
7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within 1000 words view



Enhancement of teaching-learning methods with modern teaching aids
Objectives of the Practice

To improve (enrich) the Student Centric Learning using modern teaching aids effectively

To enrich the regular classroom teaching with the online lectures from SWAYAM, NPTEL and other MOOCs conducted by various worldwide universities

To use modern teaching aids such as smart boards, projectors, PowerPoint presentations and animated videos for regular classroom teaching in order to enhance Student Centric Learning.

To conduct Value Added Courses to educate the students in cutting edge technology

The Context:

The fundamental ideas of the subject are difficult for students to understand through traditional classroom delivery. So, regular classroom teaching is not sufficient to teach modern technologies to engineering students. The following modern teaching tools are used to enrich the effective teaching-learning process.

Smart Classroom

A smart classroom is a technology-enhanced learning classroom that magnifies the way of teaching and learning digitally. Visual learning using smart technology elements like graphs, images, charts, presentations are highly effective to grasp the subject quicker. Smart Classrooms helps in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students.

Computers with internet facilities connected to LCD projectors are available for the faculty members to use PowerPoint presentations, NPTEL video lectures, and animations for handling classes which improves the understanding of students.


The institution established NPTEL Local Chapter which provides E-learning through online Web and Video courses for various streams. NPTEL videos of 3.5 TB are available for the faculties. Faculty members motivate and help the students to complete the NPTEL, SWAYAM and other MOOCs courses by acting as a Mentor for students. Assignments and tests in MOOCs help in improving critical thinking and problem solving ability of students.

Virtual Labs

Faculty members utilize the Virtual lab facilities provided by the MHRD for doing experiments in laboratory classes. The Virtual Labs provides remote-access to simulation-based Labs in various disciplines of science and engineering.

Google Classroom

Faculty members utilize open source learning management system like Google Classroom for providing course materials, question bank, lesson plan and assignments. It was extensively used in pandemic period.

Google Forms

Google forms are used for conducting online MCQ Quizzes. The information is stored as a spreadsheet automatically records the answers. The spreadsheet then populates the responses from the quiz or survey in real-time. Participative learning is enhanced by Google Forms.

Video Conferencing

The open-source video conferencing ICT tools like Zoom meetings, Google meet, and Webex meetings are used in extra-ordinary situations like COVID-19 for conducting regular academic classes, webinars, technical talks, alumni interactions and motivational talks, etc and this provides an enjoyable learning.
Discussions with renowned academicians and the implementation of this approach of enhancing teaching and learning using modern teaching aids and methodologies provide better results.


Our institution proposed this ‘Escalation of teaching-learning methods with modern teaching aids” as one of the best practices. Smart boards, LCD projectors, amplifiers, speakers, Wi-Fi and internet facility in all the departments are established. The faculty members are educated to use these teaching aids effectively. They are advised to prepare their class presentations, animations, and videos and are encouraged to use available good teaching content online to support their teaching. Moreover, faculty members are trained to follow modern teaching techniques to enhance better learning. The lecture content, question banks, and study material are shared with students through Google classroom, Whatsapp group, social media networks and Email. Faculty members conduct quizzes, demonstrations with modern tools, and case studies effortlessly in day-to-day classes. It greatly enhanced students' learning.

Evidence of Success

This practise ensures that education reaches every student with various levels of understanding. Implementing this kind of classroom education improves teacher-student interaction and collaboration. The faculty members can engage in classes effectively because of all teaching materials such as presentations, lecture videos, animations, tutorials, notes, and question bank with answers prepared at the initial stage of the semester. The video lectures, animated presentations, recorded video lectures, NPTEL, YouTube lecture videos, and software simulation presentations make classroom teaching interesting for all kind of students which make them understanding the core concept easily.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Faculty members found it difficult to get familiarize to smart boards, use Google classroom to post content, and create online quizzes in Google form. Now orientation program is given to faculty members to use the modern tools effectively to deliver the instruction. A technical problem with the touch sensors is also faced in the smart board. Maintenance of this equipment improved its practical usage. Students reside in rural villages suffered from network issues in pandemic period.

Skill Based Training

The main objective o the institutional skill development programmes are for the holistic development the students to meet the needs of the industry and as an engineering professional. The industry needs engineers with required skill rather more graduates. Apart from learning through regular curriculum delivery, the institution adopts various modes to impart skills through participative. Experiential and experimental modes. Moreover to develop life skills, the institution conducts training programmes for personality development and learning life skills to upgrade their abilities and to use their talents, interests and passions to transform their life. Making the students at this right age will 80 a long way in leading a successful professional life

The context
  • The institutions activities are way student centric and it is seen that the training imported beyond the curriculum set by affiliations university.
  • Communication plays an important role in learning process. Importance is given to develop communication skills from entry level to develop read, speak and write habits.
  • Placement well has its own training strategy to acquire skills for employment.
  • Robust industry institute relationship helps the students in getting trained by the industry.
  • Experts in various fields are helpful in providing knowledge to the students community by participating as resource persons in various skill development programmes.
The practice
  • A well designed curriculum by the placement and training all is used for communication training in the first year.
  • The institutions provides training in soft services and aptitude through in its own faculty and experts from outside.
This includes the enhancement of the following skills:
  • Presentations skills
  • Group discussions
  • Resume preparation
  • Interview preparation
  • Leadership qualities
  • Goal settling
  • Time management
  • Team player

Even though the curriculum is set by the affiliation university, topic beyond syllabus is taught in the class exposing the related technology to the students. In each subject five extra topics are tough as a content beyond syllabus.

  • Value added courses with minimum 35 hours are conducted to learn domain specific knowledge. They are conducted by industry experts from the industry and institution with whom we have signed MoU.
  • Value added course (like python, C, C++, HVAC etc.) helps them industry placements.
  • Workshops with hands on training evokes enthusiastic response from students to learn skills
  • Internship and industry projects are provided to almost all the students in industry through alumini contact, faculty communication and thrown MoU industries. This helps is skill acquisition and to become more confidents.
  • Inplant training and field visits are arranged by the institute to provide them opportunity to learn about their own fields.
  • BY encouraging projects with innovative ideas are encouraged through the installation of Innovation and entrepreneurship centre.
Evidence of Success
  • The multifaceted and much disciplinary learning experience gives them a strong sense of confidence in handling challenging situations. skills
  • Skill based training has provided them an opportunity to set themselves placed through campus and off campus opportunities.
  • Students have developed multiple skills through the field experiences / Practical training/ Internships are able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations.
Problem encountered and resources required
  • Prevalence of pandemic (Covid) situation have kept the students away from practical learning for about 2 years. Its takes more time and effort to cope up with the lose time.
  • Since the curriculum is framed by the affiliating university no flexibility in offering required courses.
  • At time Management is a problem since the semester academic schedule is fighter packed






Empowering rural youth with holistic management education for Nation building

Swami Vivekananda quotes,

“All power is within you, you can do anything and everything…”

India is one of the youngest countries in the world. Youth plays a crucial and substantial role in the development of our nation. The growing number of youth in rural India requires the right educational infrastructure to develop skills and opportunities to get employed and to become entrepreneurs. Youth are seen as promising resources of manpower for development. The new mantra of the day is ‘Young India - New India’ and implies that the new India is firmly on the shoulders of the youth. If the youth of the nation is put on the right track to unleash their potential, the nation will flourish.

RVS IMS, mostly educating the rural youth, intends to contribute to nation-building by grooming them holistically, empowering them as proficient performers, and enabling them as professionals and entrepreneurs through various measures and activities initiated during the course of study.

The students of RVS IMS are mostly rural youth from the poor family background. Keeping this in view and a rapidly changing dynamic environment, a systematic approach has been devised and implemented by the institution to empower students through holistic management education.

RVS IMS, strives to accomplish this through its Vision and Mission as,


  • To be a premier, value-based management institution creating global business leaders.


  • Impart business knowledge through effective and result-oriented pedagogy to meet the challenges of the knowledge era.
  • Instill global outlook and social responsibilities in the minds of future business decision-makers.
  • Nurture the entrepreneurial spirit by continuous association with industry leaders.

The initiatives packaged in this endeavor are,

  • A curriculum devised by Anna University that imparts value-based education with integrated cross-cutting issues like Professional ethics, Gender equity, Human Values, Environment & Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • An engaging orientation program for the 1st year students that gives clarity on their course of study, environment, challenges, opportunities, and the way forward.
  • An outbound training by a training partner enables 1st-year students to quickly understand management concepts through various related activities and get oriented accordingly.
  • An effective mentor-mentee system that enables students to shape themselves as future professionals through regular interactions, counseling, support, and guidance. The system enables better outcomes as the mentor handholds the students throughout the course from day one till the last.
  • An appropriate student-centric approach in academics encouraging experiential learning, participative learning and problem-solving methodologies using ICT tools thus enabling students with a better understanding of concepts. This opens up the minds of the students to learn better without any ambiguity and with a practical approach ensuring optimal knowledge transfer.
  • Transparent internal assessment tests and robust evaluation processes ensure students prepare themselves better to meet University academic standards. Low performers are adequately supported with additional sessions of learning.
  • A well-defined, clearly communicated Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes, and Course Outcomes to the faculty and students are accomplished through a combination of direct and indirect methods.
  • Encouraging students to pursue multidisciplinary courses in SWAYAM – NPTEL portal, Coursera, edX, etc.. promotes self-learning facilitating lifelong learning.
  • Encouraging participation and organizing various co-curricular activities like management meets, quizzes, seminars, workshops, guest lectures, industrial visits, and internships provides enough opportunities to learn beyond the classroom.
  • Encouraging participation and organizing various extra-curricular activities like sports, outreach programs, and extended activities that provides opportunities to be competitive, sportive, and socially responsible.
  • Imparting knowledge and developing skills in an unexplored, domain-specific area through various value-added programs help students to be industry ready.
  • Ensuring enhancement of employability potential in students through various capacity-building programs and training programs in association with faculty members and training partners enable students to be industry ready for a bright career start of their choice.
  • Organising campus drives across domains helps students to get maximum, deserving, and quality placements.
  • An ecosystem for innovation by Institution’s Innovative cell through Entrepreneurship Development Cell instills entrepreneurial skills in students and invokes confidence in them to become student entrepreneurs.
  • Meaningful association with CMA Student Chapter enriches Industry-Institute interaction and the Entrepreneur's meet-up programs kindle the spirit of Entrepreneurship in students’ minds.
  • An extension activities centre that enables enough opportunities for students by extending services to the needs and issues in the neighbourhood that sensitizes them on social issues thus shaping them as socially responsible citizens. It includes Blood donation camps, Awareness programs for the public, Temple cleaning activities, Service to Government schools, Youth empowerment programs, Waste management programs, Corona awareness, and vaccination camps, Greenery promotion projects, etc...
  • Adequate infrastructure and physical facilities facilitate better knowledge transfer, professional skill development, and exposure to life skills thus enabling the holistic development of students.
  • RVS IMS has partnered with various industries, training agencies, and associations to widen students’ scope of learning, grooming, and practicing in their holistic development.
  • Alumni being the brand ambassadors, the vibrant alumni association ‘SMARAN’ keeps the alumni connected with their Alma Mater and contributes to the students of the day by sharing their experiences, guiding, and supporting.
  • A diversified environment, management with social commitment, dynamic leadership, clear vision and mission, a realistic strategic plan, a systemic approach, a consultative hierarchy ensures a free, fair, conducive atmosphere of learning professionally and grooming holistically.
  • As institutions are built by people, the employees of RVSIMS are governed by various employee-friendly policies that offer a safe, secure, comfortable work environment with righteous values that automatically reflect in students.
  • The welfare of the employees is upheld through various welfare measures that imply in the longevity of association of most of the employees and returning in case of parting ways due to inevitable circumstances.
  • Yoga centre in campus promotes the mental health and well-being of the students and faculty members.

Thus, RVS Institute of Management Studies contributes its bit to the pursuit of Nation building by empowering rural youth as responsible citizens and developing them as proficient performers through a meticulously structured management program and systematic, efficient execution and continues to do the same accommodating all changes happening around.


Our institution has constituted the following policy to ensure disabled friendly and barrier free environment for the disabled people to live with equal opportunities in the college premises.

  • College provides human assistants in all the assistance needed for mechanized tools, like wheel chair.
  • College provides disabled friendly infrastructure like ramp and supporting handle facilities.
  • College provides disabled friendly restrooms that can be approached with wheel chairs.
  • Signage boards are placed in all prominent places to ensure barrier free movement and to access to needed facilities.
  • College provides Braille blaster open software in helping the blind disabled people access study material and reference content.
  • College provides scribe for writing the exams and, as per the regulation of Anna University it provides additional hours for writing the examinations.
  • College provides the following facilities in our campus for Disabled-friendly, barrier free environment:
    • Ramps for easy access to classrooms
    • Disabled friendly washroom
    • Screen reading software for Divyangjan
    • Help desk for Divyangjan

The following attachments provide the geo tagged images of the above mentioned facilities.

Ramps for easy access to classrooms:

Students who have mobility limitations often face environmental and social barriers that have an impact on educational performance. So in RVSIMS campus we provide the wheelchair facilities to easily asses the classrooms. User Friendly Ramps built in different blocks of the college to enables differently abled students to move about without much difficulty.

Disabled friendly washroom:

Separate toilets are available for people with disabilities. They are clearly identifiable and accessible. The doors are wide enough and lockable from inside and releasable from outside. There is enough manoeuvring space inside. All floor surfaces are slip resistant. Flushing arrangements, dispenser mounted at appropriate heights. Support handle is mounted

Screen reading software for Divyangjan

There are some students who feel difficult to take the examination and they need scribes with them. The college provides or allows the students to take the help of scribes in the examination. A physically disabled/blind/hearing impaired candidate and the scribes for such a candidate shall be allowed an extra time of 30 min per hour.

Help Desk for Divyangjan

The infrastructural facility at RVSIMS is Divyangjan friendly in order to make the study environment more convenient for the disabled students. A campus based service to help students work with their learning disability and fully participate in all the college activities. RVSIMS provide the help desk in front of office and inside the main block for the differently abled persons.


Soft Skills

Soft skills play a very crucial role in entering into the corporate world. Hence, soft skills development is becoming an integral part on the professional front. Soft skill development programme focus to create skills necessary for enhancing employability and entrepreneurial abilities of students. The programme covers lectures and work-shops by experts. Therefore, well trained personalities from various fields are invited to share their experiences and success stories. This develops the students’ ability to effectively interact with others in a corporate environment.

Mr. Dhruva Das Binani,Soft skill trainer interacts with final year students on 23.08.2022
Mr. Dhruva Das Binaniinteractsstudents on 23.08.2022
Mr. M. Thanikachalam givingsoftskill training to the students on 29.09.2021
Mr. R. Robinson Joshep - IBM Testing Engineer,giving suggestions to the students on 06.10.2021
Language and Communication Skills

Communication skills are essential to deliver and understand information quickly and accurately. In a corporate environment, communication skills are needed to speak appropriately with a wide variety of people whilst maintaining good eye contact, demonstrate a varied vocabulary and tailor your language to your audience, listen effectively, present your ideas appropriately, write clearly and concisely, and work well in a group. In RVSCET, Training and Placement department has taken the initiative to train our students to interact and thus to improve their communication skills through various activities.

Mr. M. Thanikachalam providing practice training to the students on 16.08.2022
Mr.SujithMenon, CEO of Synergy Group of Companies, delivering a speech to the student on 06.12.2021
HariPriyankha S B- Marketing Associate,English Partner,communicating with students on 18/02/2022
Mrs. S. Gayathrygiving tips to the Student participants in the Effective Communication Program on 09.12.2021
Life Skills

The life skills play a vitally significant role in a student’s success in their life. A student is needed life skills to learn beyond academics. Mastering beneficial lifelong learning skills helps to work, learn, and live better. Yoga gives them that control, and does even more to promote their wellness through the development of key social, emotional, cognitive and academic life skills, such as attention and focus, decision-making, cooperation, stress management and empathy. We are conducting yoga sessions with well experienced Yoga Trainer at RVSCET every semester and guest lectures from various fields.

Mr. Mr.A.R.LAKSHMANEN ,CEO TRAINICA Explaning the handling of stress ant its management on 11.06.2021.
Dr. C.J. Arjunraja Explaining the prevention methods of Covid 19 on June 06, 2021
Students performing Pranayama at Yoga Hall RVSCET on 06.01.2022
Students performing yogasanas at Yoga Hall RVSCET on 06.01.2022
ICT/Computing Skills

ICT is a mode of education used for all the fields around the world. As the result of the advancement of science and technology the boom of information and technology in communication plays an inevitable role in day to day’s lives. In this era we focus on technical skills for communicating with each other. We are offering our students the best education to enhance their technical skills by giving them the best opportunities to improve and to reproduce their knowledge production.

Students participation in “Accelerating the Future with New Technology” on 27.09.2021
Resource Person Dr.SathyaseelanShanmugam discussing cybercrime and security with the students on15-11-2021
Students utilized the Python programming Lab Program Training on 08.10.2021
Dr.S.D Prabhu Ragavendiran gave a lecture and practical class to the students on 08.10.2021


RVS Institute of Management Studies since its inception in 2008, has been a self-financing institution and hence has to generate its own resources to meet out the expenditure on various items and also for further investments on assets for expansion.

Mobilization of funds

The funds are mobilized from tuition fees, hostel fees, and other fees. The income from such sources vary from year to year depending on the admissions. As an institution located in a Tier 2 city, the scope for generating funds through other sources like research, consultancy, etc is limited. For almost all the MoU partners, any consulting work carried out is obligatory in nature. In spite of this disadvantage, the institution explores alternative ways to generate funds through research and consultancy, which has begun to see results.

Since resources are limited and requirements are huge, careful rationing of funds for various purposes is done with due diligence.

An annual budget is prepared by the Director and submitted to the CEO. The budget is scrutinized by the CEO and the Governing Council for fund allocation.

Optimum Utilization of funds

The CEO monitors the utilization of funds for both recurring and non-recurring expenses such as salary, electricity, consumables, maintenance, etc. Salary for teaching and non-teaching staff is one of the major items of expenditure. Staff and student welfare expenditures are given priority. Library and computer center are areas which require constant attention and financial support. Some of the items of recurring expenses are salaries for housekeeping, security, industrial visits, promotional activities expenditure, the conduct of programs, National & International visits for students, etc.

Quotations are sought from suppliers for the purchase of books, journals, equipment, computers, etc. The quotations are scrutinized based on the parameters of the brand, quality , and price before the decision is made. Care is taken to see that the expenditure lies within the estimated budget. In cases where the expenditure is exceeded, management permission is sought.

Financial Audits

The financial statements are audited by internal auditors and submitted to the management from time to time. A qualified Chartered Accountant also reviews the accounts/entries on a quarterly basis. Suggestions/objections, if any, raised by the Chartered Accountant are discussed with the management for necessary action. Every year the accounts are further reviewed and finalized by external auditors and audited financial statements are prepared and submitted to the management. Based on this report the budget for the next academic year is prepared effectively. The external audit helps the management to understand the financial requirements and the suitable actions are taken to utilize the fund mobilized through various sources.