(An Autonomous Institution)

    Accredited by NAAC A+ | AICTE, New Delhi | Affliated to Anna University, Chennai

    Kumaran Kottam Campus, Kannampalayam Post, Coimbatore - 641402

Electronics & Communication Engineering

About The Department

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is offering a full-time four-year B.E. degree course since the inception of the institution in the year 2007. This branch of engineering imparts technical knowledge in fields of Electronics, Communication, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, VLSI, Embedded System, Image processing, Signal processing and Networking.

The Department of ECE is also offering a full-time two-year M.E- Communication Systems from 2011 which imparts knowledge in Advanced Image Processing, Wireless Communication, Advanced Digital Signal Processing, Advanced Radiation Systems, Cognitive Radio Networks and Millimeter Wave Communication.

The Department has a team of committed faculty members with sound knowledge in the areas of Applied Electronics, Communication Systems, VLSI, Embedded Systems and Wireless Technologies. The Department has a long tradition of excellence in educating, mentoring and inspiring future technology leaders and researchers in the area of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

M.E. Communication Systems:

The Department of ECE is also offering a full-time two-year M.E- Communication Systems from 2011 which imparts knowledge in Advanced Image Processing, Wireless Communication, Advanced Digital Signal Processing, Advanced Radiation Systems,Cognitive Radio Networks and Millimeter Wave Communication

The Graduates of this course can find employment in a range of sectors including telecom sector, broadcasting and multi-media, defense, security and internet/computing, consulting, data communication, entertainment, research and development. The candidates can also work in modern multimedia service firms that are involved in real-time transfer of information through video conferencing and internet broadcasting. The course is designed to give both a deep understanding of the core technologies and the latest advances in performance and capability. It comprises the design and analysis of modern communications technologies, telecommunications and data network systems while building the interdisciplinary skills to meet current and future needs of commerce and industry.

Faculty Members

S.No Name Qualification Designation Total Year of Experence Date of Joining Area of Specialization Nature of Association (Regular / Contract / Adjunct)
1 Dr.S. Mythili ME., Ph.D Professor 30 Years& 04 Months 01.09.2023 Signals Processing Control Application For Drives Regular
2 Dr.D.Jeyakumari ME., Ph.D Prof. & Head 26 Years & 10 Months 02.07.2008 Image,signal and video processing Regular
3 Dr.N.Shanmuga Vadivu ME., Ph.D Professor 17 Years & 11 Months 03.06.2013 Image processing and optical communication Regular
4 Dr.B.Suganthi ME., Ph.D Assistant Professor 27 Years & 9 Months 16.06.2008 Computer Networks , IOT Regular
5 Mrs.S.Pandeeswari M.E,(Ph.D) Assistant Professor 25 Years & 11 Months 03.06.2014 Power Electronics and Drives Regular
6 Dr. R.Kannan ME., Ph.D Assistant Professor 18 Years & 6 Months 03.07.2009 VLSI Design Regular
7 Dr. L.Mohana Kannan ME., Ph.D Assistant Professor 17 Years & 11 Months 19.06.2019 Signal Processing Regular
8 Mr.L.Gowrisankar M.Tech. Assistant Professor 16 Year & 08 Months 25.06.2009 Nano Technology Regular
9 Mrs.K.P.Shanmuga Priya M.E. Assistant Professor 14 Years & 4 Months 15.09.2022 Communication Systems Regular
10 Mr.C.Dhamotharan M.E,(Ph.D) Assistant Professor 12 Years & 01 Months 01.06.2012 Signal Processing, Internet of Thinks Regular
11 Mr.V.Venkateswaran M.E. Assistant Professor 3 Years & 4 Month 16.09.2022 VLSI Design Regular
12 Mrs.S.Shobana M.E. Assistant Professor 1 Year & 1 Month 02.05.2023 Signal Processing, Internet of Thinks Regular
13 Ms.R.Devadharshini M.E. Assistant Professor 10 Months 17.08.2023 VLSI Design Regular
14 Mrs. Mythily M R M.E. Assistant Professor 10 Months 10.08.2023 Image Processing Regular
15 Mr.M.Jenish M.E. Assistant Professor 4 Months 08.02.2024 Communication Systems Regular


The Department of ECE is to make technically competent, innovative, commendable graduates focusing on the needs of industry and society with professional ethics to excel in the global competitive engineering field.


    The Department of ECE strives to

  • Excel in academic delivery by providing in-depth knowledge of concepts and their applications.
  • Shapes the students for the future through co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • Provide facilities in arena of Research and Development of faculty members and students.
  • Execute community reach-out and real-life industrial projects.


    The graduates of B.E (Electronics and Communication Engineering) will be able to:

  • Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design/ Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct Investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


    The graduates of B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) will be able to

  • Design, develop and analyze electronic systems through application of relevant electronics, mathematics and engineering principles
  • Design, develop and analyze communication systems through application of fundamentals from communication principles, signal processing, and RF System Design & Electromagnetic.
  • Adapt to emerging electronics and communication technologies and develop innovative solutions for existing and newer problems


The Department has well equipped laboratories and all facilities for students to pursue their studies. Students are encouraged to do real time projects applicable to industries. The department possesses the following state-of-the-art laboratories for undergraduate and Post graduate students separately.

Circuits and Devices Laboratory

The Electronic Circuits and Devices Laboratory is equipped with the latest Signal Generators, Oscilloscopes and measuring instruments. This Lab helps students to acquire technical knowledge by experimenting with different types of Amplifiers, Oscillators, Multivibrators and Filters. The students are familiarized with basic analog circuits, characteristics of electronic Devices, testing the circuit performance and the techniques of making hardware circuits.

  • Integrated workbench with Hardware and Software.

Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

The Digital Signal Processing Laboratory is a platform that helps us to gain knowledge about signal processing in digital domain. The digital signal processing laboratory makes use of the most efficient and prominently used software "MATLAB" and is well equipped with its associated tool boxes and Simulink. Various innovative projects in the core field of ECE program like embedded projects, image processing projects can be enriched by the full fledged use of this laboratory. The Scilab software can also be used for signal processing, statistical analysis, image enhancement simulations and numerical optimization in this laboratory

  • TMS320C5416,6713 -DSP Starter Kit(DSK)Fixed Point DSP
  • Simulink
  • Communication Toolbox
  • Image Processing Toolbox
  • Scilab

Communication Systems Laboratory

The recent communication techniques are demonstrated in this laboratory using various Communication Kits like Pulse Code Modulation kit, Delta Modulation kit, AM , FM Modulation and Demodulation kits, Time Division Multiplexing kit and Sampling kit. This laboratory enriches the fundamentals related to Analog and Digital Communication Systems. The Performance of Communication Systems are analysed using MATLAB Simulation software.

  • Analog and Digital Communication Experiments kits
  • Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes
  • Digital Storage Oscilloscope
  • Function Generator
  • Personal Computer

Microprocessor And Microcontroller Laboratory

This Laboratory is equipped with Microprocessor Trainer kits based on Intel 8085, 8086 and Microcontroller kits based on Intel 8051, 8059 along with interfacing peripheral devices such as 8279, 8251 and 8253. In addition to this, Microprocessor based Speed control of Motors, PC based Temperature Control system, Data Acquisition system with software facilities has been established with Advanced Integrated Workbench. Microsoft Macro Assembler is an X86 assembler that uses Intel syntax for Microsoft windows is used to carryout the Simulations.

  • Microprocessor - 8085,8086 Trainer Kits
  • Microcontroller -8051 Trainer Kit
  • Various Interface Kits
  • Advanced Integrated Workbench with Hardware and Software

Digital Electronics and IC Laboratory

The objective of this Digital Electronics and IC Laboratory is to link the theoretical concepts of different analog and digital electronics circuits with practical feasibility by giving to the students. This laboratory facilitates the student to analyze the characteristics of digital ICs and able to verify the simulation outputs

The Integrated Circuit Laboratory helps in demonstrating a deep understanding of the properties and limitations of active and passive devices from an analog and digital perspective and their impact at the circuit and system level. . The Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory is aimed at the conception, design and realization of integrated circuits for diverse applications through mini projects and projects.

    Hardware Details

  • Analog IC Trainer Kit
  • Function Generator
  • Digital IC Trainer Kit
  • IC Tester

    Software Details

  • Multisim

VLSI and Networking Laboratory

The VLSI and Networking Laboratory consists of has advanced simulation tools and computational facilities for VLSI device/circuit analysis, design of integrated circuits. The Lab has an open source EDA tools, advanced FPGAs, Network Simulator and LAN trainer wireless modules.

    Hardware Details

  • Local Area Network Trainer With wireless module with network simulator with protocol implementation
  • Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA Trainer Kit (vsk Spartan 3E),500 k Gate Density
  • Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA Trainer Kit (VPTE - 10)
  • Universal Kits

    Software Details

  • Xilinx System Edition Version10.1(Logic Edition, EDK system Generator)
  • LT spice
  • Network Simulator Software (Windows V.3.0)

Optical and Microwave Laboratory

This Laboratory facilitates to acquire knowledge in the field of optical communication and microwave frequency transmissions. The lab also supports the students to have a thorough knowledge of microwave frequency generation, dielectric waveguides, various antennas, fiber optic communication, software defined radio, microstrip lines and microwave devices.

  • Microwave Test Bench
  • Advance Fiber Optic Trainer
  • Laser Fiber Optic Trainer
  • Software Defined Radio
  • Radiation Pattern Trainer
  • Eplane Tee,H Plane Tee, Magic Tee
  • TDM Pulse Amplitude Modulation Trainer
  • WDM Trainer
  • Multihole Directional Coupler
  • Optical Powermeter
  • Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
  • Pin Diode, Laser Diode
  • Microwave Powermeter
  • GUN oscillator
  • Optical Powersource

Embedded Systems Laboratory

An Embedded System is a special-purpose system in which the computer is completely encapsulated by the device it controls. Unlike a general-purpose computer, such as a personal computer, an embedded system performs pre-defined tasks, usually with very specific requirements. Since the system is dedicated to a specific task, design engineers can optimize it, reducing the size and cost of the product. Embedded systems are often mass-produced, so the cost savings may be multiplied by millions of items.

This lab enables the students to do their projects in the field of Embedded Systems, Electronic simulation, Real Time systems & Software development. This lab is connected to the Internet, which enables the students to access the online resources and get in touch with the latest technologies.

  • NI ELVIS - II Basic Bundle
  • Add on Board for ELVIS NI DC Mechatronics Sensor Board
  • Displacement measurement trainer using LVDT (ITB-12-CE)
  • Pressure measurement trainer module (ITB-16-CE)
  • Strain measurement trainer module (ITB-17-CE)
  • LDR/Photodiode/Photo transistor trainer (ITB-27-CE)
  • RTD module (ITB-06-CE)
  • Thermocouple module
  • Computer based data acquisition application trainer (CDAAT-02)
  • VLSI Trainer (VPTB-10)
  • AC/DC voltage regulator using SCR single phase circuit (VPET-109)
  • Microprocessor based DC motor controller (VDMC-01)
  • Design of process control timer
  • FPGA-VLSI Lab Instrument setup
  • PIC Microcontroller
  • ARM 7 Microcontroller
  • FPGA - VLSI with ELS Software

PG - Communication Systems Laboratory

The students undergo hands on training in design and simulation of Microwave devices and components using EM simulation software CADFEKO. Signal processing using MATLAB , DSP processors and Optical communication using advanced trainer kits. The well established laboratory and faculty members help students to get trained and gain their technical skills in line with the industrial requirement. Digital communication experiments have been demonstrated through innovate techniques to conserve the radio spectrum, modulation and coding methods

  • CADFEKO 6.1 Software
  • Antenna Trainer
  • MIC Trainer,MIC Fabrication Trainer Full Setup & 1 GHz Full S-Parameter vector Network Analyzer
  • Spectrum Analyzer
