The Department of Chemistry was established in the Year 2007. The Department has well equipped Laboratory to offer practical knowledge to all B.E and B.Tech program, besides guiding specific project works for final year students. A strong and active research effort allows the faculty members to keep abreast of the latest scientific advances and to impart new ideas and concept in the department undergraduate course work.
The Department has qualified, experienced and highly dedicated faculty members and all are pursuing their higher studies leading to Doctoral degree. The major research areas of interest in the Department include Environmental Chemistry, Electro chemistry, Organic Natural products, Nano materials and Bio Technology.
Semester I
In the first semester, the fundamental principles and applications of the important topics like Polymer chemistry, photo chemistry and Spectroscopy, Phase rule and Alloys Chemical Thermodynamics and Nanochemistry, are covered.
Semester II
The International Conference on Environmental Education in 1981 stressed the need for environmental education at all levels to awaken social and community consciousness about the environment. Hence the course Environmental Science and Engineering has been designed by covering the key areas like Environment, Ecosystem and Biodiversity, Environmental Pollution, Natural Resources, Social issues and the Environment and Human population and the Environment Syllabus and Scheme